
Our Professionals

Andrés Landerretche

Lawyer and sustainability consultant

Andrés Landerretche

Professional with vast experience in external affairs with a focus on value creation trough effective stakeholder engagement and strategic communications

Significant practice in the field of corporate affairs, communications, environment and community relations across various BHP Billiton businesses in Chile and Australia.

More than 16 years of international experience working in the diplomatic service of Chile with assignments in South Africa and the United Nations in New York.

Major experience and skills in the areas of diplomacy, issues management, sustainable development, environmental policy, corporate citizenship, conflict prevention and resolution and complex negotiations with multiple stakeholders.

Lawyer from University of Chile. LLM in Environmental Law. King’s College, University of London.

Patricia Bustamante

Patricia Bustamante


Patricia Bustamante is a communications professional who has extensive international experience (England, South Africa, USA and Australia). She studied social communication with a major in public relations and has worked in the areas of external affairs, marketing, management control, communications, and corporate social responsibility. It also has certification in risk prevention and extensive experience in designing and implementing communication strategies and corporate marketing.


Gonzalo Cid


Ingeniero Comercial. Universidad de Concepción con estudios de posgrado en Economía en ILADES – Georgetown University. Sólida experiencia laboral en gestión de asuntos corporativos y sustentabilidad, comunicaciones, desarrollo comunitario, asuntos regulatorios y ambientales, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, desarrollo de proyectos de inversión e infraestructura. Más de 25 años de desempeño laboral en organismos públicos (ProChile, Comité de Inversiones Extranjeras, ZOFRI S.A.) y compañías internacionales (Fluor Daniel, BHP Billiton – Escondida).